Second Life is where our real life takes backstage, and a new and vibrant life of us takes over. But apparently, it is not as easy to escape reality as it seems to be. A recent controversy over child pornography on Wonderland (a Second Life region) shows how second life may not be too different from first life. The key question to that controversy is whether what is considered wrong/inappropriate should be allowed to exist in fantasy (a part of what second life is based on). No matter the answer to this question is yes or no, this debate shows that, as long as there are real human beings behind the avatars, we are subject to the same moral standards and ethical constraints in second life as we are in real life.
Tag: technology
Search-Engine Friendly URIs
Through a quick perusal of the Internet, I found an extension for Mambo called eXendSEF that can translate links such as “/content/2/5/” in Mambo into search-engine friendly and user-friendly links. The component installed without a glitch, after following the steps listed in the Read Me file. For my relatively small website, it works out great. But for websites with a large number of pages, the specification of alias may get a little tedious.
Make Mambo and WordPress Work Together
After having migrated my website to the Mambo content management system, I gradually realized its limitations when it comes to blogging. According to many posts I’ve read on the Internet, Mambo is not a blogging platform. Hence caution for those who need blogging as a main functionality of their website. My solution to this problem was to use both Mambo and WordPress. After tweaking around with the WordPress template for a couple of hours, I was able to match its look and feel with my website. You can click on the main menu links in the left panel to see the look and feel of the Mambo part of this website. I did this integration by (1) sharing the same CSS file to ensure look consistency; (2) borrow Mambo’s index.php file and modify it by taking out Mambo modules and adding in WordPress commands.
I suppose after all this work, I am sort of back to where I first started, with my website on one system and my blog on another. But it’s nice to have the two integrated on the same server. One complaint I do have about Mambo though is its search-engine and human-unfriendly URLs. I am looking for add-ons that may solve this problem.