Are Your Customers Really Loyal?


If Jane comes to your store every Saturday and spends $50, would you consider Jane a loyal customer? Driven by concerns about the bottom line, businesses often define loyalty based on how much consumers spend and how often they buy. But digging a little deeper into the psychological reasons behind “loyalty” can reveal important insight and help identify effective target marketing strategies.

In Jane’s situation, there are two possible reasons behind her “loyal” patronage: (1) she genuinely likes your products and services, and therefore, when need arises, she always comes to your store to make a purchase; (2) she comes to your store out of habit, whenever she’s on her way to visit her grandma on Saturdays. In other words, both habit and true loyalty can drive Jane’s seemingly loyal behavior, and your optimal marketing strategy should be different based on the exact reason involved. Let’s dissect this a little further, shall we?

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Promoted Tweets in the Loyalty Landscape

Starbucks Promoted Tweet

Yesterday, Twitter unveiled its new advertising platform Promoted Tweets. The picture above shows a Promoted Tweet from Starbucks when searching for the keyword “starbucks” on Twitter. I pulled information from The New York Times, Twitter’s blog, and Twitter COO Dick Costolo’s talk at Ad Age, and here are some details that have emerged about Promoted Tweets:

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Loyalty and Social Media Strategy

In Social CRM, we are concerned with integrating social network and social media to enhance CRM practices and eventually increase customer loyalty. Here, I’d like to argue that the integration goes the other way too. In other words, while social media strategy can eventually affect customer loyalty, the design of social media strategy right now should take into consideration your company’s current customer loyalty situation.

To make my point, let’s first look at the edge a company with lots of loyal customers (what I call a high loyalty-performer)  can have in today’s social web over a competitor without those loyal customers:

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