How to Build Customer Habits Through Customer Relationship Management Part 3

Welcome to the third and final part of this series on how to build and leverage customer habits throughout the customer journey. In Part 1 and Part 2, I shared with you the differentiation between a habit shaping window and a habit maintenance and transformation phase in a customer’s lifetime with the business and how habit disruption can serve as a beacon for possible customer defection. Today I would like to talk a little about what you should know about loyalty and habit in the customer expansion phase. Oftentimes your business may not be content with just retaining your existing customers. Your ambition may be to grow your existing customers’ relationship with you by getting them to buy more, upgrade, or buy other product lines that you also offer. To do this successfully, you need to understand what drives your customer and know if your customer loves you or they are simply habitual or both.

Segment Customers by Attitudinal Loyalty and Habit

Before implementing a customer expansion (cross-selling or up-selling) campaign, it is important to know where your customers are in the two-dimensional space of loyalty and habit. By loyalty, I don’t mean just behavioral loyalty such as buying a lot, because habitual customers may look exactly like that too. Instead, I refer to loyalty in the sense of how consumers feel about your brand. The attitudinally loyal customers are ones that love your brand, believe in the quality of your product, and prefer you over competitive products when asked. Because attitudinally loyal and strongly habitual customers are both likely to buy a lot from you, they may look very similar in their behavior in terms of how frequently they purchase or how much they spend. You have to dig a little deeper into their behavior to identify which is which. The key difference is that habitual customers tend to demonstrate a certain level of consistency and stability in what they do. They may buy around the same time, from the same location, repeatedly buy the same product, almost always (or never) use coupon, etc. The ones who are attitudinally loyal but NOT habitual will also buy a lot, but you won’t see the same stable behavioral pattern. The table below will help you make a determination based on what your customers do. If you are interested in a more nerdy academic dive into the differences, check out my published paper Not All Repeat Customers Are the Same.


True LoyaltyHabit
What drives behavior?Belief about product superiority and/or emotional connectionThe presence of contextual cues (e.g., eat cookie -> want milk)
AwarenessConscious decisionAutomatic process with no clear decision-making process
Purchase patternErratic as need arisesConsistent in terms of time, location, and context (see more below)
Reaction to competitive offeringsAware of competitive offerings but relatively resistant due to loyaltyBlind to competitive offerings
Deal breakersDissatisfaction, product quality issues, service failure, etc.Change of contextual cues, such as store layout redesign, location change, etc.

Before I move on, I would like to add that habit is easier to observe through behavior than attitudinal loyalty, as habit has a certain pattern to it. To accurately gauge attitudinal loyalty, it would be best to survey your customers and ask about their thoughts and feelings about your product. But if that is not possible, the table above combined with customer purchase data should still help you separate those frequent customers who are driven by habit vs. not habit (e.g., loyalty). Customers’ social media conversations with you can also give you some clues as to how loyal they are to your brand. Continue reading “How to Build Customer Habits Through Customer Relationship Management Part 3”

1 Point Per Dollar or 100 Points Per Dollar?

When designing a loyalty program, have you ever wondered whether you should give customers 1 point for each dollar they spend and require 100 points for a free reward, or if it’s better to grant 10 points per dollar and require 1000 points for the reward? On the surface, these two setups require the exact same effort from consumers and should make no difference to the effectiveness of your program. But an article by Professor Rajesh Bagchi and graduate student Xingbo Li published in the Journal of Consumer Research says it’s not quite as straightforward as you may think. Which option is better depends on whether you have a straightforward single point structure or a mixed structure, and whether your focus is on encouraging low spenders or rewarding heavy buyers.

Photo by Flickr User twitchcraft | CC 2.0


The authors conducted two lab experiments. The first experiment was based on a grocery store loyalty program and involved 246 undergraduate students. Various aspects of the loyalty program were manipulated, and the respondents reported how likely they would recommend the program to others and whether the program would increase their loyalty toward the store. In the second experiment, 375 student and non-student respondents made simulated purchases given a restaurant loyalty program. At the end of the simulation, they also reported their recommendation likelihood and perceived loyalty effect. Continue reading “1 Point Per Dollar or 100 Points Per Dollar?”

Do You Need a Loyalty Program?

The most recent Loyalty Census from Colloquy pegs loyalty program membership in the US at more than 2 billion, up 16% from 2008. Perceived value of points earned through loyalty programs is estimated to be $38.83 billion. With this much activity going on, you may be tempted to offer a loyalty program for your business too. But do you really need a loyalty program? I’d like to address this question in this post. Let’s start by taking a look at the pros and cons of having a loyalty program.

Key Advantages of Having a Loyalty Program

  • It encourages consumers to concentrate their purchases in your company so that they can reach a reward faster.
  • It increases switching cost so that consumers who have already earned points through your loyalty program are less likely to jump ship to a competitor.
  • Compared with other promotions such as price discounts, a loyalty program incurs delayed promotional cost, because consumers make purchases first and get rewards later only after they have accumulated enough points.
  • Related to the above cost issue, not all points earned through a loyalty program translate into reward costs, as there will always be some consumers who never reach the reward threshold or who never redeem their points.
  • A loyalty program offers a way to capture consumer transaction history and can lead to more in-depth understanding of your customers.
  • If you have a sizable business such as an airline, a loyalty program can be a revenue source as you can sell program currency (e.g., miles, points, etc.) to partner businesses.
  • A loyalty program, when properly designed, can make your best customers feel appreciated and become more loyal.
  • Continue reading “Do You Need a Loyalty Program?”