Maurer, Steven and Yuping Liu (2007), “Developing Effective E-Recruiting Websites: Insights for Managers from Marketers,” Business Horizons, 50 (4), 305-314. [Download Full-Text PDF]
Abstract: In addition to evidence of rapid growth and widespread use of corporate web sites to recruit job applicants, studies show that about 75% of all job seekers find the sites too complicated to use successfully and that more than 20% have rejected job opportunities simply based on poorly designed Web sites (Pastore 2000). To address this problem, this article joins internet marketing and employee recruitment research to offer six development implications for creating an effective “e-recruitment” source on a corporate website. Based on a job-marketing approach to the recruitment process and consumer behavior research on persuasive communication and decision making, we present considerations important to creating an online recruiting web site that effectively influences the search decisions and behaviors of a target market of desired job candidates.